Monday, December 29, 2014

Effects of Violent Video Games on Kids

Video games are nothing new to the American culture. Heck, I remember playing Pong and the Atari 2600 as a kid. Frogger and Pitfall were (and still are) two of my all-time favorites growing up in the late 70s/early 80s. But as most things do, the video game craze continued to grow and blossom into what has become a multibillion dollar industry. According to the Entertainment Software Rating Board, the video game industry is a $10.5 billion dollar golden egg with 67% of the gamers between the ages of 18-49.
So needless to say, the video game industry is not going anywhere. And frankly, why should they? In the large scheme of things, they can promote social involvement; a common ground for like minded individuals to come together and enjoy the company of people who share the same interests. In fact, it has become its own culture.
However, if Star Wars has taught us anything, it’s that there is also a great and powerful dark side.
A study by the American Psychological Association has shown that violent video games can increase aggression in children by teaching them inappropriate ways to externalize anxiety. Instead of learning how to communicate and express their feelings, they take it out by shooting, killing, stealing and harming computer generated people.
“But that’s better than doing it to real people!” No. Allow me to explain why. The American Psychological Association has stated that when a child or teen plays a violent video game, he or she is less likely to help peers or even care about them.
This is where the parents come in. Research has shown that when parents intervene and limit the amount of game play, and monitor the child or teen’s media that they engage in, the less likely they are to display aggressive behaviors.
However, what is a parent to do when their “tween” is longing for adventure or action and wants to release their anxieties or anger? There are a few options:
  1. Take a minimum of 10 minutes a day to actually talk to the child or teen about their day. Building trust in the parent/child relationship is important.
  2. Realize that when the child is about the age of 10, they know that they have a brain and want to start making decisions. Start giving them guided options so that they can feel they have some control. For example: An 11 year old wants a known violent game for his or her game system. As a parent you can explain why you feel that is not an option, but that they may have games A, B or C. They will not like that at first. But compared to the other option of not getting a game, the child will opt for one of the others and will feel ownership in the decision becausethey made the decision.
  3. It is vital that parents become educated in what their children are doing and choosing as an outlet. While people may argue that video games will improve hand/eye coordination, the same can be true about baseball, football, or any other outdoor activity.
  4. People/Teens who are diagnosed with ADHD or ADD or more prone to be addicted to video games as it allows them to become hyper focused. Certain disorders, such as ADHD or Bipolar are hereditary so you may want to have them checked out.
Luckily, there are shows out there Like MAX ADVENTURE that provide the excitement and adventure that many of today’s children are wanting, but limit the action. The difference between action and adventure is that action usually involves the harm of someone or something, while adventure is the exciting experience that the hero happens to go through.
Max Adventure is an animated adventure show that sneaks into each episode psychological and behavioral education. This show teaches to express feelings and emotions, to accept and handle change responsibly, and to show respect to others.
Max Adventure is a kind of space opera that’s full of exciting people, worlds, and experiences. Kids and teens will never know they are being taught a lesson.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Eric Randall as seen by the Facial Tracking program while doing a voice recording session of Max. He's such an "animated" guy!

We're getting it going!

Hello again gang! We've have four people support Max Adventure and we have 86 likes on our Facebook page, with several HUNDRED people reached daily! I'm looking to up that! I challenge you to make it 10 people who are supporting us, 90 likes, and lets keep the views coming on our Facebook page, (Max Adventure TV Show)! I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU!
Visit us HERE

We've been liked by local news anchor Dave Courvoisier!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am EXTREMELY proud to say that Las Vegas news anchor, Dave Courvoisier HAS LIKED OUR PAGE!
Dave is a Las Vegas local new anchor for KLAS. He began his broadcast career at KCCC radio in Carlsbad, New Mexico, then moved to KEXO top-40 radio in Grand Junction, Colorado before he started his television career in Grand Junction at KJCT. Later, Dave worked at TV stations in West Lafayette, Indiana, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and Greensboro, North Carolina before coming to Las Vegas in 1985.

Max Adventure!!!

Hi, my name is Phil Fitzlaff. I have worked for the past four years as a family and child counselor, but before that I worked in the entertainment industry. I have a Bachelors Degree in Human Services Management and a Masters in Business Administration. 
Because I grew up in an abusive home, my desire is to introduce fantasy based, family friendly entertainment in the form of animated programming to help educate parents and children in coping with behavioral and emotional situations.
This type of entertainment was popular in the 1980s with shows such as He-Man, Fat Albert, G.I Joe, and Thundercats. In doing so, we will be providing a community service and offering parents and children a way to learn about the pains of growing up and how to deal the the pressures. 

And My Money is Going Where?Okay, so I know it seems like I'm asking for a lot. The reality is, I'm really not. Creating a weekly televised animated show is extremely tough to do by myself, so I need a team, the space, and the equipment. Right now I'm operating out of my home, but to be able to keep up with what the networks and distributors want, I have to be able to deliver the show in a timely manner; so I need help. These funds will be going towards the following:
  • Payroll
  • Building Lease
  • Equipment Purchase
  • Legal
  • Marketing and P.R   
Why is this so ImportantWhen I was growing up, one of the few things that helped me along were shows like He-Man and Thundercats. Parents would think that these were just simple cartoons when in fact, there were psychologists who worked on these shows to assure the teachings were proper. Somewhere along the lines, moral lessons stopped being taught in children's programming. In addition, kids ages 8 to 16 are becoming increasingly hooked on violent video games. This is something that I see on a regular basis with my clients and I feel that I need to play my part in offering balance and alternatives.

Why RocketHub
Frankly, I don't know where else to go. Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists usually want an extremely large share (65% or more) of the business plus a large percentage of whatever we make. On top of that, they usually won't fund someone until you can show that you've already made a profit. They don't invest in dreams, they invest to make money.   

Banks are in no way an option because if they'll even consider your project, you need to provide collateral and then you're in debt to them. I don't own anything that's worth this amount; not even my home!

Small Business Loans are almost as difficult to get as a bank business loan. The SBA doesn't provide the loan, they just tell the banks that you're good for it.

Max Adventure 
is made for people by people who believe in improving the human condition and spirit of all ages. Therefor, I feel it's a community project and not a business investment. Investors don't usually care about the mental conditions of our kids; we do, and we know that there are folks out there who do as well. That's why we are here on RocketHub. 

So What Do I Get in Return?
Everyone will receive something for helping us out. You could receive a special thanks credit in the series, appear in an episode, spend the day with us at the studio, or spend an entire week in Las Vegas as our guests and split your time between hanging out with us and visiting our city!

Please visit us HERE